Gift Aid and Freewill


Gift Aid


Gift Aid is good news for the Church:  It increases our giving by 25%

  • No minimum contribution is required
  • No particular amount has to be promised
  • There is no fixed term during which contributions must be made
  • Tax may be recovered retrospectively.

 All that is required is that the donor must pay UK income tax or capital gains tax, at any rate, at least equal to the amount of tax being reclaimed, and give their offering or donation through offering envelopes or by bank standing order or by cheque to establish the necessary audit trail.

 Donors must also sign a Gift Aid declaration form, which gives the name of the congregation and the donor’s name and address (including postcode).

 The easiest way for the Church to increase funds is through Gift Aid.  If you give £1.00, the Church receives 25p.  Many people give through Bank Standing Orders that can either be monthly, quarterly or annually.  You can also change the regular amount you are giving.  

 You can download a Gift Aid declaration form then send it to me letting me know if you would like to give through weekly envelopes, Standing Order or by cheque.  A form to arrange a standing order  through your bank can also be downloaded from this website.

It really will make a difference.


Sheila Farries
Tel: 07554 203542


 Cont/.. Freewill donations....


Freewill Donations

If you would like to make regular donations to the Church but do not pay tax you can either use Feewill envelopes or donate through your bank as a standing order.  Contact me if you would like envelopes or information for making up a standing order.


Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASD)

This scheme has been in operation since April 2013. Subject to certain conditions, it allows for a Gift Aid style top-up to be claimed by churches on small cash donations, in our case placed into the weekly Open Plate, without the need for the donor to be identified, complete any paperwork or be a taxpayer. 

The basic calculations for GASDS claims work in the same way as for Gift Aid: for each £1 of eligible donation, we are will be able to claim a top-up of 25p from HMRC.  There is a limit of the amount that can be claimed but every little helps!

Please contact me if you would like any more information.

Sheila Farries
Tel: 07554 203542




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Dalbeattie & Kirkgunzeon Church of Scotland is a Registered Charity No: SC002443
Urr Parish Church of Scotland is a Registered Charity No: SC014465